baking soda and vinegar in spoon

Plumber Recommended Cleaning Products

Cleaning Smart

Whether you are gearing up for spring cleaning, have family coming to visit, or are simply making the weekly clean-up rounds, it is essential to have cleaning products that you know will do the job. Specifically, cleaning products for your plumbing appliances.

Your kitchen and bathroom see a lot of action making it important to keep them clean in order to stay sanitary and healthy. While you may be used to the chemical-filled products found in your local cleaning aisles, the AWS Plumbing, Heating & Cooling team is here to tell you to say goodbye to those caustic cleaners you have been using and upgrade to more natural and plumbing-safe products.

Protect Your Plumbing

Your plumbing system is an important part of your household and you want to do all you can to protect it. One of the best ways to start is to stop using damaging household products like drain cleaner. While they may clear away clogs, many of these cleaners contain harmful and acidic chemicals which can corrode your pipes with repeated use. We encourage you to opt for the following solutions instead.

From the Pantry

Some of the best cleaning solutions can be found right inside your pantry. White vinegar is a great, safe way to disinfect your plumbing as it contains a much lower acidic level than store-bought solutions. With no coloring agent, it will not stain your surfaces and leave your porcelain throne shining! If you’re bothered by the strong vinegar odor, simply add a few drops of essential oil for a sweeter smell.

Baking soda is a great way to deodorize your plumbing, especially drains. Pour a small amount down your drain and allow it to sit for a few minutes before dousing in white vinegar. The reaction of the two products will leave you with a cleaner, better smelling sink.

At the Store

When you are heading down the cleaning aisle, it can be tricky to know what to look for that will keep your appliances, fixtures, and pipes safe while still getting a good clean. Here are a few of our favorite products:

These products are sure to make your plumbing shine on the inside and out!

Looking for more plumbing solutions for your home? Contact AWS Plumbing, Heating & Cooling at (516) 217-2196 or online to schedule an appointment today!